Like me, you've probably noticed the "youthiness" of those leading the social media revolution. Relax. I'm here to speak your language. So, put on your slippers, grab a cup of whatever floats your boat and let's do it. Together!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It Must Be Spring: New 2010 Ben & Jerry's Flavors Are Here | Serious Eats

I don't think they can get any better than Phish Food. http://amplify.com/u/3x57

Posted via web from patgermelman's posterous

Sunday, March 28, 2010

15 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed

Love posts like this....especially good info for the social media junkies....like me! :=0 http://amplify.com/u/3rg9

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MoxieWorks : No Magic Wand

The Science of Building Trust With Social Media

Excellent article....please take a look! http://amplify.com/u/3ret

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7 signs you're taking yourself too seriously on the web - Holy Kaw!

Er, ah, we don't do any of these things, right? (Seriously, social media clothes?!) http://amplify.com/u/3re2

Posted via web from patgermelman's posterous

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Twitter is Self Cleansing

This is an excellent article and nails it....at least it nails the way I think about Twitter. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and "one man's babble is another man's..." (read the article to finish the quote :=) http://amplify.com/u/3m89

Posted via web from patgermelman's posterous

Sunday, March 21, 2010

On being thankful...

Here's a sappy, happy little blog about springtime thanksgiving. This has been an unusually hard year for my family and me. Health problems have plagued my mom and my son. Very serious, life-threatening, life-changing health problems that left us all reeling and having to change our routines. Life, as we knew it, stopped. We took our lumps and pulled even closer as a family when we all thought we couldn't get any closer. We have shared money, resources, time, and sweat-equity...doing all we could do to make it work. Funny thing about this year, it has been one of our best. Even with the huge financial setbacks that came about, too, during our very personal health care crises, we have survived and come out the other side stronger, but more curious than that, happier. We have learned to do more with less. Really. We enjoy time with each other to the point of savoring the moments of laughter and the little things that make this family our family. Our savoring of the moments is palpable and we make note of it in some way. Without fail, one of us will say "I love you" or "we are so lucky" every time we share a laugh, a meal, or discussion of the world as we know it. Spring is not a traditional time of thanksgiving but for us, we can't help but rejoice that we are here and we are strong. It's the little things, the robin pulling the worm from the warming ground, the tender new leaves of grass, jonquils and forsythia budding out...all that is good has been given to us again and again. Here we are still enjoying the warmth of the new sun. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Happy Thanksgiving. http://amplify.com/u/3f58

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Writing “The WordPress Bible” | Technosailor.com

Maybe with the help of The WordPress Bible I can get up the nerve to take the plunge...maybe. http://amplify.com/u/3erz

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Anthem For Web & Social Media Dorks | MakeUseOf.com

Mmmm....I think I qualify as one of the "New Dorks" notwithstanding the skinny jeans. Proud New Dork. YEAH!! http://amplify.com/u/3a3j

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TweetNotebook – a personalized notebook of your tweets « EverythingTwitter

Over half your news is spin - Holy Kaw!

Sigh...I'd like to think I'm a fairly good judge of spin vs. real news. But with over half of it being spin...I'm not so sure! http://amplify.com/u/3a2i

Posted via web from patgermelman's posterous

Coastal Drives: Easter Island's South Coast - Bing Travel

Seth's Blog: Books you don't need in a place you can't find

I take comfort in the fact that one can still buy vinyl records (younger readers may need to Google "vinyl records" :=) and book stores will be around for rainy afternoon browsing. http://amplify.com/u/39u4

Posted via web from patgermelman's posterous

» Twitter Hashtags

Top 10 People to Follow in the Enterprise 2.0 Space and Why (Pt 1)

9 Killer Tips for Location-Based Marketing

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

HOW TO: Prepare for Natural Disasters Using Social Media

Amazing suggestions. Worth the read if you use only one or two of these ideas. http://amplify.com/u/2r2x

Posted via web from patgermelman's posterous

» Blogging Business is on the Rise

And my favorite tip is to write more than you post....everyday. Warning...this advice takes discipline and I haven't followed my own best advice of late. How easy it is to let life get in the way. That's exactly why it's so smart to write more while you're in the zone to have tucked away for a later blog. http://amplify.com/u/2qwi

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Seth's Blog: The Wordperfect Axiom

It is utterly amazing that so many CEO and marketing folks don't get this. They are out there....naysayers ringing their hands about social networking, media and marketing in hopes that it will go away because it can never replace "real" marketing. I get a message or two every week asking me how it is I think that social engagement will last...how can I be so bold to think it will really last a make an iota of difference in that holy grail called the bottom line. How indeed. I guess you could say I really like Seth's blog post today. :=) http://amplify.com/u/2qu9

Posted via web from patgermelman's posterous

Wire Up Your Customer Base

What a smarty! In marketing, razor sharp sniping is a good thing. Way to go!! http://amplify.com/u/2qrl

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